
通识教育 (GE) at 威斯康辛州路德 College is a central component of the liberal arts programs that encourages multidisciplinary intersections, provides exposure to multiple ways of knowing, and shapes a person's ability to engage in civil and 专业 relationships in ethical, 通知, 还有创造性的方法.

The GE curriculum is a complement, not an addendum, to students' majors. 专业 immerse students in a single body of core knowledge and prepare students for particular sectors of the job market. The GE curriculum lays the groundwork for collegiate scholarship, prepares students for personal opportunities and experiences outside their desired 专业 sectors, and aims to develop 通知 and active citizen engagement.

通识教育 - Christian Vocation and Service

The Christian Vocation and Service GE curriculum is designed to fully incorporate WLC's mission and its academic goals, 他们断言, “a Christian undergraduate education [is] based on scholarly activity, 与文科的接触, and practical application of knowledge [that] enlarges students' perspectives and prepares them for the various vocations in which God places them.” It seeks to clarify the practical and vocational value of a Lutheran liberal arts GE curriculum through distinctive categories that emphasize service to the community and preparation for a career.

Students at WLC will be required to complete the GE curriculum as part of the degree requirements for graduation. Students should expect to take courses in the GE curriculum for the duration of their academic careers at WLC, beginning with COL 101 and LAS 101, courses which introduce students to college and the liberal arts, 以LAC 401/402结尾, the Liberal Arts Capstone course.


威斯康辛州路德 College has adopted six 基本学习成果 (ELOs) that we believe represent the essential skills that all students who graduate from WLC should exhibit. These ELOs, which are listed below, interact closely with WLC's mission and Academic Goals.

  • 创造性思维
  • 批判性思维
  • 道德推理
  • Effective Communication (spoken, written, visual, and digital)
  • 调查与分析
  • Intercultural Knowledge and Competence
Professional and Vocational Categories

The 通识教育 (GE) curriculum at 威斯康辛州路德 College is intended to prepare “students for lives of Christian leadership,” a central tenet of WLC's mission. 来实现这一使命目标, the curriculum emphasizes Christian vocation - the work one is called to do in all areas of his/her life. It also aims to clearly explain how 通识教育 at an institution such as WLC, which defines itself as a “Lutheran liberal arts college for Christian men and women,”功能. The curriculum deliberately outlines three major 专业 and vocational categories that we believe are central to developing Christian leaders. These three categories are described below.

  1. 路德神学: As an institution that builds its identity from the theological roots of Confessional Lutheranism, WLC also characterizes its GE curriculum by a commitment to these theological roots and an emphasis on teaching biblical truths through the hermeneutical lens of Lutheran theology. 因此, all students are expected to take a minimum of 12 academic credits in theology, three of which are introductory and nine of which develop students' engagement with three major theological fields: biblical theology, 应用神学, 以及系统神学. Students who graduate from WLC should be able to articulate the foundational tenets of Lutheran theology and apply those tenets to all vocational circumstances, regardless of their religious affiliation. 
  2. 职业发展: WLC的学术目标说明了这一点, “a Christian undergraduate education [is] based on scholarly activity, 与文科的接触, and practical application of knowledge [that] enlarges students' perspectives and prepares them for the various vocations in which God places them.” The 专业 development courses in the GE curriculum teach the foundational skills that employers seek and prepare students for the remainder of their undergraduate careers.
  3. Approaches to Individual and Social Questions: This final category in 专业 development and vocation provides students multiple avenues for exploring questions central to civic, 专业, 个人发展. These represent some of the many “ways of knowing” that are possible. 通过这些课程, students can expect to broaden their exposure to academic disciplines, develop the ability to evaluate problems from a variety of angles, and see themselves as redeemed individuals in the long narrative of human experience.