如果你在走廊上遇到杰伊·西兹恩,问他过得怎么样, 他会第一个警告你, “我要用一个故事来回答.这位信誉最好的网投平台排名任教21年的戏剧教授将于本学期结束时退休. Being a storyteller seems to be at the heart of Sierszyn's winding path into the theatre vocation: "When I'm asked what I do, 我说我讲故事.“从很多方面来说,这也包括了我在剧院的工作."
这需要一系列的教育, 职业生涯, 和他的人生经历,最终实现了他对戏剧教育的召唤. 也许最早的推动来自一个最不可能的地方——殡仪馆. “我的姑姑和叔叔开了一家殡仪馆, 我们会在接待大厅举行大家庭圣诞节. 对孩子来说,这是一个完美的玩耍场所! 我和我的堂兄弟姐妹们会在通常展示棺材的地方做“表演”."
从高中一直到大学, 西尔斯曾以为他最终会成为一名乐队指挥. 他对器乐有着浓厚的兴趣, 还会打击乐, 男中音萨克斯, 除了他的主要乐器之外还有单簧管, 中音萨克斯风. 他把这归功于他的高中音乐老师, 戴夫Krubsack, 是他开启了成为一名教育家的梦想:“直到今天, 我认为他对我从事教学职业的影响最大. 这就是他的为人和所作所为."
在西尔斯琴大一和大二之间, 他加入了一个名为Joy Incorporated的基督教流行音乐剧团. 剧团乘坐一辆改装的校车在全国巡回演出, 沿途在教堂和学校举办音乐会和儿童表演. "That was a time of really solidifying my faith - we would do a daily Bible study together and it was, 在某种意义上, 一个非常公开的事工." The experience also guided him further along his teaching journey: "It made much more clear the vocational callings I felt in both music and theatre, 也是为了教书."
戏剧教育事业的戏剧性转变, 然而, 会很快成为一种“啊哈”时刻吗. In the midst of pursuing a music education degree at Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University Chicago), 他遇到了巨大的障碍, 也被西琴称为音乐理论II. “上帝让我意识到音乐也许应该只是一门辅修课程. 他让我明白,我并没有那种天赋."
大学毕业后, 西尔斯琴开始在芝加哥一所天主教男校教英语. 除了他的教学职责, 他是摔跤教练, 开始了一个演讲项目, 还经营着课后戏剧社. “我在那里教了四年书, 然后我就想, 当然,我开发了他们的语言程序(他们以前没有)。, 但我真正想做的事情发生在下午两点半.' "
意识到自己在领导戏剧社的时候最“入木三分”, Sierszyn took the next step in cultivating his passion by enrolling in graduate school at Northern Illinois University. 之后,西琴开始申请大学教学职位. "I ended up with 120-some rejection letters or letters that said 'Sorry, we don't have an opening.’”现在他获得了戏剧艺术硕士学位, Sierszyn went back to teaching English and speech at a Lutheran high school while awaiting his golden opportunity at a college.
Persistence finally paid off when Sierszyn received an offer to begin the theatre program at Waldorf College in Forest City, 爱荷华州, 他在那里工作了13年. 他继续培养自己在戏剧和教学方面的天赋,完成了博士学位.D. 在密苏里大学的课程, and by getting involved in professional groups such as the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE). 随着时间的推移,西尔斯琴已经准备好创作他职业生涯的下一幕了.
He recalled meeting a certain theatre professor from 威斯康辛州路德 College at an ATHE convention in New York City a few years earlier. "I was in a liberal arts focus group [at the convention] and this person comes up to me and her name is Jan Nelson and she's from 威斯康辛州路德 College. She asked if I would be interested in coming back to Milwaukee because she just had started the program at WLC, 我们正在考虑发展和扩大师资队伍."
几年后, 在职业生涯的十字路口, 西尔申还记得那次偶然的相遇, 然后又向尼尔森伸出手:“她说, “你在开玩笑吧, 我们刚刚给了一个拒绝的人一个职位, 我们从秋天开始招聘!’”在随后的一系列校园访问和与教师的会议之后, 学生, 和管理员, 他接受了WLC的召唤. 这种变化并非没有对面对未知的焦虑, 但西尔森相信上帝会照亮道路:“2002年秋天就这样来了, and I remember telling myself to 'be where you are - the Lord is going to call you and has a path for you - but you may only see the first couple steps.' "
Sierszyn's first years in the WLC theatre department were dedicated to teaching set design and 照明. 虽然不是他研究生学习的重点, 尽管如此,从他在大学和课堂上的经历来看,他在这些领域还是很熟练的. "I felt that, unbeknownst to me at those times, the Lord was preparing me for this moment at WLC."
Faculty and program changes through the years gradually led to Sierszyn's role becoming more comprehensive. These expanded opportunities allowed Sierszyn to dive deeper into his vocational calling: "I've never not been a teacher. My mission is the 'teaching aspect' of getting 学生 to see why they do theatre and having them come to an understanding that it's not just about them performing. 这是在向我的学生传达我在戏剧中所学到的和经历."
他自称是个讲故事的人, 西尔岑认为戏剧是讲述人类故事的艺术. “没有人类生活的题材,就不可能有戏剧.他帮助学生认识到这一点, 在参与剧本和演出时, 角色将反映真实的人, 毫无保留. “当我说‘天堂里可能不会有戏剧’时,学生们都吓坏了.“在戏剧中,我们探索作为人类的意义,包括我们罪恶的本性."
Sierszyn works with classes to develop an understanding of what it means to be a Christian theatre student - and audience member: "In some ways, 每个故事都是基督教的故事. If you have a Christian context of what it means to be human - and that's what's going on in a play - we can see the 'why' in characters' actions. 我们可以看到我们有同样的错误或挑战." He encourages 学生 to analyze the lessons learned from shows and apply them in their devotional lives: "Hopefully, 好的戏剧能让他们思考, “我的生活怎么样?? 我是如何反映在这个故事里的? How can that strengthen my faith through a process of prayerful consideration and scripture reading?' "
是否担任董事, 设计师, 或生产商, Sierszyn was intricately involved in almost every Raabe Theatre production throughout his 21-year WLC 职业生涯. 对他, 一个好的节目是一个将学生和观众与已知事物联系起来的节目, 同时让他们接触到未知的事物:“如果这太老套了, 没有什么新鲜的,也没有什么不同, 然后是小睡. 另一方面, a story shouldn't be so imbued in a different culture or be told in such a way that people have no idea what's going on. 不,我们需要足够的我们所认识的东西,然后被告知一些新的东西."
当被问及他信誉最好的网投平台排名任期内最喜欢的戏剧时, Sierszyn回答, 我最喜欢的节目是下一部. 我知道这是陈词滥调,但我觉得我是被召唤的.他的观点不仅仅是用来逃避一个沉重问题的陈词滥调. 而, Sierszyn's attitude goes back to the understanding of his vocation: "I think that's a very much a theatre thing - to be engaged in the here and now, 并且出现在舞台上和排练中."
当然,从导演的角度来看,西尔斯琴并非没有一些亮点. 这位经验丰富的戏剧教授深情地回忆着 行尸走肉他以“合奏”或以团体为中心的方式制作了这部电影. “这是一种非常松散的东西. 大部分角色都是在开拍前8到10天才确定的, 这让学生们抓狂. I had them bring much of their own "self" to the characters and do reSearch on the subject matter. 我们有时会分享自己的想法和观点——这是一种非常艺术化的做法, 混合的方法.“节目中最令人心酸的时刻, 然而, came at the end with an unscripted addition: "We curtained off the Raabe Theatre and had the audience sit close together in the middle section. 当这个死刑犯要去执行死刑的时候, 其余的演员唱了这首赞美诗 多么奇妙的爱 从窗帘后面. 现在,每当我听到这首赞美诗,我就会想到它在节目中是多么有效."
《信誉最好的网投平台排名》 另一个最受欢迎的评论是:“演员阵容很棒,非常愿意探索. 我们邀请了校友来参加演出,并为我们谱曲.“西尔森的记忆不断涌现。”如何在商业上取得成功 我信誉最好的网投平台排名的第一场大秀是什么. 其中一件很酷的事情是,我们在片场有一个可以工作的电梯门. 未排练的莎士比亚作品, 弓的弯曲 -我想到的那些都是来自“合奏”的经历,而不是按照剧本写的. 这些节目的创意来自于当下,这使它们完全独一无二."
然而,并非所有令人难忘的时刻都发生在演出期间. 事实上,许多最有意义的经历都发生在幕后. “其他人看不到其他记忆. 所有后台和商店的工作, 排练结束后学生们的笑声——我对自己说, “这就是我喜欢做这个的原因.' "
西尔森认为他曲折的职业道路是一种巨大的祝福. 尽管有时更直接的轨迹可能更容易, 这些曲折给了他无数的成长和服务的机会. Only now in hindsight can he see how God was using those situations and experiences to equip him to serve others. “我们并不总是知道为什么上帝带领我们走上不相连的道路, 但后来我们回过头来,发现‘哦, 这就是为什么会这样!' "
Sierszyn has endeavored to create an environment in which 学生 will relish these types of vocational 建筑 blocks. 他意识到了, 就像他自己的经历一样, 许多人将被召唤以他们还不知道的方式服务. 许多WLC戏剧专业的学生都有, 当然, 后来在专业剧院当演员, 作家, 技术人员, 和经理. 然而,更多的人发现自己在舞台下为邻居服务. “我们做戏剧的方式非常符合WLC的使命. We want to just as much celebrate someone whose vocational calling doesn't end up being in theatre as we do our alumni in the field. 除了你的专业,还有很多其他的东西. 这和我有联系吗? 是的! 我从来不是只看戏的人."
西尔斯琴的WLC绝唱, 拼布英国将于2023年4月首演. 以美国拓荒者为背景, the musical uses quilt patterns and patches to serve as a representation for a network of intricate stories: "In 拼布, 我们听过很多这样的小故事, 或“补丁,就像被子一样, 它们成为一个更大的东西的一部分,代代相传." The great storyteller could not have picked a more perfect or poignant show at which to take his final bow.